Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I ran this morning!!!

I ran this morning!!! and it was awesome! My jaw was just unwired yesterday, and I was so immensely thankful that I was just itching to go for a run.  Who cares if I only did 1.2 miles!? The important thing is that I got myself out there. This was my first morning run in months. The last time I went for a legit run (with the exception of the Ben Franklin Bridge Race) was sometime around mid-September.

It felt so great to be outside. The second I started moving my legs, a huge grin spread across my face, and it stayed planted there throughout the entire run.  The weather was chilly and damp; the air was thick with condensation and the sky was so foggy that I couldn't even see the tops of the buildings across the river in NJ.  Nonetheless, I truely appreciated the scenery despite the limited visibility.  In spite of the dreary weather, I was having a fantastic time.

The first time I head out for a run after a long hiatus is always the best. I realize all over again why I love running in the first place, and I approach my runs with renewed energy and motivation. Especially when the break is due to something beyond my control (like major injuries, illness, or surgery), once that magical day arrives when I can finally run again, I'm so overwhelmed with immense gratitude for the sheer ability to run, that I just have to go out there.  At times like these, I don't run because I enjoy it... I run simply because I'm grateful that I can.

I would have loved to keep going for another couple miles - it's been so long! - but I purposely kept it fairly short this morning... I was actually on time for work and wanted to keep it that way. It was wonderful though. I'm so glad I went. Now I just need to go out for a few more morning runs, and then it should become a habit once again.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Dear blog

Dear blog,

I understand you've been feeling very neglected lately, and I am sorry. It's completely understandable. I haven't written in here in ages.

So I just wanted to let you know that I still think of you often. Please don't go anywhere because I may still need you someday.

Love always,
